Everyone is talking about the Secret. From Oprah to David Letterman, it is the new media buzz.
The Secret is a movie about the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction has been around since the beginning of mankind but only a select few knew what was it about. Those who knew and understood the law were some of the most successful men of the history of mankind.
So is the Law of Attraction real or just another marketing gimmick?
The truth is nobody really knows. Law of Attraction can go by any other name but essentially the Law of Attraction is everywhere and is working every single second : Whatever you think about and focus on, you will bring about. This is a proven fact based on many examples of famous men in the history of mankind. Thomas Edison, a man that changed the history of men totally, had never gave up his dream even though he kept failing. It is this unwavering focus and determined drive which he had that eventually brought or "attracted" what he wanted.
However, many men and women found much difficulty in using the Law of Attraction to bring about the things that they want in life. In the end, most of these men and women often ended up proclaiming that the Law of Attraction does not work.
There are 3 things that can thwart your effort in using the Law of Attraction :
1. Doubt.When you have even a tiniest doubt about the Law of Attraction, whatever it is that you are trying to attract will move further away from you. Having doubt in yourself or your own instinct will also deter the attraction. Why? The Universe will often in its own way, present to you opportunities to help you but you may not have jumped at these opportunities due to your doubt.
2. Negativity.When you focus on negative thoughts like "I do not want debt in my life", more debt will come into your life instead. The Universe does not understand "I want" vs "I do not want". It only knows that it will give to you whatever thing you focus on. Thus, why not focus on "I am a millionaire on 31st January 2009" instead?
3. Taking No Action.This may be due to your laziness or due to self doubt as in Point 1. Imagine having the best no-risk opportunities presented to you but yet you do not take action, do you think you will be able to successfully attract all the things you want in your life?
Once you can eliminate the above points, the Universe will start arranging the events in your life to attract the things that you want into your life. All you have to do is be patient, be grateful to whatever you have now and never give up. To accelerate the process of attracting, start focusing and visualizing what you want every single day.
Alison Lee is a personal development expert that believes in helping people succeed in life. She shares her insights, personal experiences and tips on how you can improve your life by attracting more abundance at her blog.
Visit Abundance Attracting Accelerated for a complimentary interview with Bob Proctor about the Law of Attraction today.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Sexy Woman 10
Most people have this misconception that once they're already in a relationship and entered the fine world of coupledom, there is no need to rack their brains for romantic and interesting date ideas anymore. This should not be the case. A relationship is an ever-unfolding process that requires nurturing. Thus, dates should still be an important part of the couple's menu.
Dates keep the ball rolling and the heat sizzling for a lot of couples. Because of the infinite number of distractions posed by career, personal family life, social and what-not, couples need to find time to get a break from the everyday humdrum and enjoy the comfort of being with each other after a week of stress.
A designated date night will be like a form of respite for people who are in a relationship. What it does is help couples refocuses their attentions to the relationship and weed out all the pressures they face otherwise. Dates also strengthen the emotional bonds between persons who are in a relationship.
Thus, just because you're already officially going steady with the person who have been dying to be with for a long time, it doesn't mean the romance has ended. In fact, it should just be beginning.
Here are some examples of interesting date ideas for couples who wish to re-ignite the flame of love:
1) Take your significant other back to the place where you two first met, or first kissed, or first whatever. To make the event more memorable and interesting, tag along a video camera and make a mini movie with you recreating this 'first'.
2) Play dress up for dinner but order takeout food. Don your classiest and most sophisticated dinner clothes and have a candlelit dinner at your apartment, probably with a Barry White CD whirring in the background. Dim the lights and invite your honey to a slow dance. The purpose of the takeout food is to give a little odd twist to the date experience. But if you're planning to go all out, you can cook a fantastic dinner menu yourself... or together.
3) Set up a scavenger hunt for your significant other. The clues could be hidden in roses you leave at certain places or with people that have touched you both as a couple. You can take the short route by placing the clues all over the house, but you can also take the thrill up a notch by setting the hunt in different locations in your town. The final prize is YOU, of course.
4) Set up a picnic by the beach and watch the sun set or rise together. This sounds a little overrated because this is what most movie and tv couples do, but it's actually very effective. Snuggle up!
5) Reverse roles and try to imitate each other's mannerisms and habits. This will help determine how well you two know each other and it may also be a way to discover a lot more about your significant other. There is some risk to this one, though, because, if overdone, it could lead to offense and conflict. But, hey, any good natured person would appreciate this and get barrelful of laughs.
Perhaps the biggest dilemma with dating is figuring out what to do. If you're unsure about the powers of your creative juices, you can try the above suggestions and see them work wonders on putting the spice back into your relationship. Enjoy!
For more interesting date ideas, please visit http://www.fun-dating-ideas.info/.
Dates keep the ball rolling and the heat sizzling for a lot of couples. Because of the infinite number of distractions posed by career, personal family life, social and what-not, couples need to find time to get a break from the everyday humdrum and enjoy the comfort of being with each other after a week of stress.
A designated date night will be like a form of respite for people who are in a relationship. What it does is help couples refocuses their attentions to the relationship and weed out all the pressures they face otherwise. Dates also strengthen the emotional bonds between persons who are in a relationship.
Thus, just because you're already officially going steady with the person who have been dying to be with for a long time, it doesn't mean the romance has ended. In fact, it should just be beginning.
Here are some examples of interesting date ideas for couples who wish to re-ignite the flame of love:
1) Take your significant other back to the place where you two first met, or first kissed, or first whatever. To make the event more memorable and interesting, tag along a video camera and make a mini movie with you recreating this 'first'.
2) Play dress up for dinner but order takeout food. Don your classiest and most sophisticated dinner clothes and have a candlelit dinner at your apartment, probably with a Barry White CD whirring in the background. Dim the lights and invite your honey to a slow dance. The purpose of the takeout food is to give a little odd twist to the date experience. But if you're planning to go all out, you can cook a fantastic dinner menu yourself... or together.
3) Set up a scavenger hunt for your significant other. The clues could be hidden in roses you leave at certain places or with people that have touched you both as a couple. You can take the short route by placing the clues all over the house, but you can also take the thrill up a notch by setting the hunt in different locations in your town. The final prize is YOU, of course.
4) Set up a picnic by the beach and watch the sun set or rise together. This sounds a little overrated because this is what most movie and tv couples do, but it's actually very effective. Snuggle up!
5) Reverse roles and try to imitate each other's mannerisms and habits. This will help determine how well you two know each other and it may also be a way to discover a lot more about your significant other. There is some risk to this one, though, because, if overdone, it could lead to offense and conflict. But, hey, any good natured person would appreciate this and get barrelful of laughs.
Perhaps the biggest dilemma with dating is figuring out what to do. If you're unsure about the powers of your creative juices, you can try the above suggestions and see them work wonders on putting the spice back into your relationship. Enjoy!
For more interesting date ideas, please visit http://www.fun-dating-ideas.info/.
Sexy Woman 9
Marriages are easily achieved. They are becoming one of the fun-filled exercises and practices gotten into by people who are longing to find self actualization and happiness.
Marriage is the union of two souls bound by heaven to procreate and live the rest of their lives together.
A married life is very complex and challenging. There are many reasons why a couple would strive to solve marital problems and eventually save the entire marriage.
It is important to note that marital problems are part of the married life. Strong marriages would not be strong if the couple has not experienced at one point of their married life issues, troubles and fights.
Arguments and disputes between two different people living under one roof is inevitable. Thus, for married couples, it is the main source of problem.
Petty and even major arguments make up for the top marital problem that hound married couples. Notice that even a small argument about which television show to watch or who holds the remote control could lead to a serious marital problem.
That is because great problems and issues start small. When such arguments and petty quarrels persist and occur everyday, then the marital problem is headed for a bigger disaster.
Marital problems
Marital problems are inevitable. That is because a marriage is consisting of two people who are bound by love, law and the sacrament of matrimony.
No two persons are exactly alike. You are unique to everyone. Thus, even if you have already proven that you are compatible with one person while you were still boyfriends or girlfriends, problems and differences would never cease to arise when you are already living in together as husband and wife.
There are many married couples who live together to up to 50 years, or 75 years, and yet the relationship is still as harmonious. There are a number of secrets for better and improved marriages.
The most important thing to bear in mind is that these secrets are not applicable to everyone. You would have to devise and explore for your own marital success secret since you are the one living the married life.
But marital problems are persisting. They are the challenges and obstacles a couple should face together and outgrow to be able to make the marriage and the blessed union of their souls work.
Here are some sound and practical tips that would surely help you solve your own marital problems.
1. Maintain an open communication. Talk to each other and speak up what you have in mind. There is no sense being shy or secretive. Since your partner is your better half, he or she is also you. Be truthful and open to yourself and to your partner.
2. Stay calm. Whenever there is an argument, stay calm, especially when your partner is becoming aggressive, hysterical or somehow violent. Diplomacy solves all disputes. Arguments between a married couple is the perfect timing to exude and show diplomacy to each other.
3. Seek an expert advice or visit a marriage counselor. It would help ventilate both of your concerns and issues to an expert who could give you right, proper, sound and effective advice about solving marital problems. It would really help.
Overall, keep an open mind and aim to solve your marital problem. Any other tip or suggestion would not work out if you are not really that determined to solve your marital problems and issues.
Is your marriage in trouble? To learn simple, easy strategies to save your marriage, please go to http://www.how-to-save-a-marriage.info/
Marriage is the union of two souls bound by heaven to procreate and live the rest of their lives together.
A married life is very complex and challenging. There are many reasons why a couple would strive to solve marital problems and eventually save the entire marriage.
It is important to note that marital problems are part of the married life. Strong marriages would not be strong if the couple has not experienced at one point of their married life issues, troubles and fights.
Arguments and disputes between two different people living under one roof is inevitable. Thus, for married couples, it is the main source of problem.
Petty and even major arguments make up for the top marital problem that hound married couples. Notice that even a small argument about which television show to watch or who holds the remote control could lead to a serious marital problem.
That is because great problems and issues start small. When such arguments and petty quarrels persist and occur everyday, then the marital problem is headed for a bigger disaster.
Marital problems
Marital problems are inevitable. That is because a marriage is consisting of two people who are bound by love, law and the sacrament of matrimony.
No two persons are exactly alike. You are unique to everyone. Thus, even if you have already proven that you are compatible with one person while you were still boyfriends or girlfriends, problems and differences would never cease to arise when you are already living in together as husband and wife.
There are many married couples who live together to up to 50 years, or 75 years, and yet the relationship is still as harmonious. There are a number of secrets for better and improved marriages.
The most important thing to bear in mind is that these secrets are not applicable to everyone. You would have to devise and explore for your own marital success secret since you are the one living the married life.
But marital problems are persisting. They are the challenges and obstacles a couple should face together and outgrow to be able to make the marriage and the blessed union of their souls work.
Here are some sound and practical tips that would surely help you solve your own marital problems.
1. Maintain an open communication. Talk to each other and speak up what you have in mind. There is no sense being shy or secretive. Since your partner is your better half, he or she is also you. Be truthful and open to yourself and to your partner.
2. Stay calm. Whenever there is an argument, stay calm, especially when your partner is becoming aggressive, hysterical or somehow violent. Diplomacy solves all disputes. Arguments between a married couple is the perfect timing to exude and show diplomacy to each other.
3. Seek an expert advice or visit a marriage counselor. It would help ventilate both of your concerns and issues to an expert who could give you right, proper, sound and effective advice about solving marital problems. It would really help.
Overall, keep an open mind and aim to solve your marital problem. Any other tip or suggestion would not work out if you are not really that determined to solve your marital problems and issues.
Is your marriage in trouble? To learn simple, easy strategies to save your marriage, please go to http://www.how-to-save-a-marriage.info/
Friday, August 11, 2006
Sexy Woman 8
The above statement is not merely an amateur poet’s attempt at rhyming; it is a fact. More often than not, our sexual problems (and there are so many of them), are all related to what’s going on inside our head. Problems in our sex life might seem just physical, but there’s a whole lot of psychology behind things going wrong in the bedroom. Most of us are shy to discuss these problems with others, and we find it extremely difficult to own up to the fact that we are not good in bed. As a result we end up confounding our minds with questions like ‘What’s wrong with me?’, and ‘Is this normal?’ However, these are the wrong questions to ask. What you should be asking instead is “When did this problem start”, “How is this making me feel”, “What’s the remedy” and definitely the most important one “What I am going to do about it”.
One of the best things that you can do at such a time is to consult a hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapy makes you uncover the real problem behind your bedroom blues. A hypnotherapist will take you through your past experience, and make you walk down memory lane to figure out what went wrong and where. Once this knowledge is at hand, the cure for your sexual problem is just a matter of time. In his experience of a decade, Hypnotherapists help clients overcome problems like performance anxiety, erectile dysfunction, orgasmic dysfunction, low sex drive and frigidity. Hundreds of people have benefited from his sessions, and you can do the same as well.
A Hypnotherapist in his consultations for sexual problems also works on your self image, and takes care of any negative notions that you might have about yourself. The results will be extraordinary, to say the least. Moreover, with the relaxing techniques used in hypnotherapy, you will find yourself renewed with a new vigor. Imagine what this new sense of positivity and energy can do to your love life? Wouldn’t it be great to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon, showing your lover, how much you really enjoy being with them?
Perfect relationships are made of companionship, understanding and compatibility. If these factors reflect in your sex life as well, it could do wonders for the chemistry in your relationship.
Hypnosis is an excellent approach to sexual issues. Also take a look at Richard's Hypnosis Downloads
One of the best things that you can do at such a time is to consult a hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapy makes you uncover the real problem behind your bedroom blues. A hypnotherapist will take you through your past experience, and make you walk down memory lane to figure out what went wrong and where. Once this knowledge is at hand, the cure for your sexual problem is just a matter of time. In his experience of a decade, Hypnotherapists help clients overcome problems like performance anxiety, erectile dysfunction, orgasmic dysfunction, low sex drive and frigidity. Hundreds of people have benefited from his sessions, and you can do the same as well.
A Hypnotherapist in his consultations for sexual problems also works on your self image, and takes care of any negative notions that you might have about yourself. The results will be extraordinary, to say the least. Moreover, with the relaxing techniques used in hypnotherapy, you will find yourself renewed with a new vigor. Imagine what this new sense of positivity and energy can do to your love life? Wouldn’t it be great to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon, showing your lover, how much you really enjoy being with them?
Perfect relationships are made of companionship, understanding and compatibility. If these factors reflect in your sex life as well, it could do wonders for the chemistry in your relationship.
Hypnosis is an excellent approach to sexual issues. Also take a look at Richard's Hypnosis Downloads
Friday, June 30, 2006
Sexy Woman 7
Sexy Woman
Love is More than a FeelingBy Brandi Simon
I would not be married today if it were not for the choice that I made after I found out my husband had been cheating on me. You see, I’m one of those people who take their “marriage” and “wedding vows” very seriously. In the days following my discovery I was an emotional wreck and I couldn’t figure out how in the world I was ever going to be able to move past that depression and I contemplated a divorce.
However; what I chose to do was work on some things within myself (fix what was wrong with me) and at the same time I chose to act in a loving manner towards my husband. Well, wouldn’t you guess it, after making that choice and following that choice up with actions those loving feelings started to return.
Love ebbs and flows just like any other emotion that we have. Each emotion plays an important roll in our lives and the heady “in love” feeling has its place in our dating years as well as in our married years. However; it isn’t going to be there all the time! One day you’re high up on the mountain and the next your way low in the valley.
So, do I degrade love when I say that love is a choice? No I don’t, I actually take it up a notch because I’m saying that love is so important to me and to our marriages that when we don’t “feel” it we must make a choice to continue acting in a loving manner until the loving “feelings” return.
Although my marriage is far from perfect and I certainly have many days where I forget to act in a loving manner I can only be thankful that I didn’t make the decision three years ago to leave my husband. You see if I had of made that decision I wouldn’t have our third beautiful daughter that has been a perfect addition to our family.
I’m not going to say that everything happens for a reason (although it just might); instead I’ll say that you can turn ANY bad thing into a good thing. For me that was becoming a better person and helping other people who are going through marital crises.
Brandi Simon is the owner of Marital Matters where she offers articles and information for those suffering the effects of an extramarital affair and other relationship issues. Brandi is an affair survivor who has successfully rebuilt her marriage from the ashes and offers advice to those who are recovering. To learn more about the website or Brandi, please visit Marital Matters.
Sexy Woman
Love is More than a FeelingBy Brandi Simon
I would not be married today if it were not for the choice that I made after I found out my husband had been cheating on me. You see, I’m one of those people who take their “marriage” and “wedding vows” very seriously. In the days following my discovery I was an emotional wreck and I couldn’t figure out how in the world I was ever going to be able to move past that depression and I contemplated a divorce.
However; what I chose to do was work on some things within myself (fix what was wrong with me) and at the same time I chose to act in a loving manner towards my husband. Well, wouldn’t you guess it, after making that choice and following that choice up with actions those loving feelings started to return.
Love ebbs and flows just like any other emotion that we have. Each emotion plays an important roll in our lives and the heady “in love” feeling has its place in our dating years as well as in our married years. However; it isn’t going to be there all the time! One day you’re high up on the mountain and the next your way low in the valley.
So, do I degrade love when I say that love is a choice? No I don’t, I actually take it up a notch because I’m saying that love is so important to me and to our marriages that when we don’t “feel” it we must make a choice to continue acting in a loving manner until the loving “feelings” return.
Although my marriage is far from perfect and I certainly have many days where I forget to act in a loving manner I can only be thankful that I didn’t make the decision three years ago to leave my husband. You see if I had of made that decision I wouldn’t have our third beautiful daughter that has been a perfect addition to our family.
I’m not going to say that everything happens for a reason (although it just might); instead I’ll say that you can turn ANY bad thing into a good thing. For me that was becoming a better person and helping other people who are going through marital crises.
Brandi Simon is the owner of Marital Matters where she offers articles and information for those suffering the effects of an extramarital affair and other relationship issues. Brandi is an affair survivor who has successfully rebuilt her marriage from the ashes and offers advice to those who are recovering. To learn more about the website or Brandi, please visit Marital Matters.
Sexy Woman
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Sexy woman 6
Sexy Woman
Want to meet sexy women? This can help
Reinvent the First DateBy Tameka Norris
You ever wish you could go back in time and just recreate all of the feelings you had for one another on the first date? Well, I've got a few ideas that might help you grab a hold of that old feeling.
The truth is, life can take its toll and sometimes we just grow a little too old with one another and it's pertinent to work hard at bringing our youthful selves back to the forefront.
Although our physical selves will continue to grow older, it doesn't mean we have to let that happen on an emotional level as well. Yes, there will be days when things get routine, but we can always vouch for a little excitement from time to time. Don't you think?
Now this idea, I consider it to be something that you can only use once in a while. Simply because it too would become a predictable routine if used too frequently. Also, because it's based on timing and money.
And since neither of those things are always available at the time we want them to be... you just may have to stash this one away until you find the appropriate time to use it.
The Date in the Making...
I was thinking a fun thing to do when things get a little stale is spend a few days away from one another. Now, before I go any further, let me say this isn't a bad thing. This is all geared toward adding a little extra fun in the mix, if you're up for a small adventure. The two of you may be getting along famously, but if you're looking for a little more festivity this could be it.
Here's how I have it all in mind...
You can sit down with your partner and collaborate on which one of you will spend a couple of days away from home. If you have a relative in town this could be the option you take or if money isn't a problem you could spend a couple of days in a hotel.
Once you've come to an agreement then it's time to put the rest into action.
Okay, so let's say your husband decides to be the one to spend a couple of nights at a hotel.
Right now, you might be wondering why he needs to leave the house at all.
Well, there is one very important reason why this is a good idea. Once the both of you separate and spend some time apart, functioning without one another for several days makes the anticipation of seeing each other again a lot more exciting.
The two of you are able to reconnect with the reality of spending time apart. Things will happen in your day that you'll be able to converse about later, and vice versa.
Another reason is that it induces appreciation for the other person. Sometimes we take each other for granted, but when we spend time away from one another, it's a lot easier to see how important that person is to us.
But I don't want to get ahead of myself; it will make more sense as I move along, and by the time you're done reading all of this it'll all come together nicely.
So, now that you've both decided on the fact that he'll be leaving for a couple of days, the next step is to spend a few days without any initial contact with one another. I consider one day too little, two days to be a fair amount of time, and three days to be just right. But how many days is really up to you in the end.
Once you've established that and he's ready to leave, you'll also want to make certain that you have no idea where he is staying. It's important that he keeps this a secret.
Now, for emergency purposes, he may at least want to give you the phone number of the hotel he's staying at, so that you'll have a phone number where you can locate him in case an emergency occurs. That way, he's not forced to give you the name of the hotel or the location. Just a phone number you can use to get in touch with him if need be.
After that, you can simply stash it away in a safe place and trust yourself not to use it unless it's absolutely necessary.
Now that he's gone and the house doesn't feel quite the same without him, consider the following inventive ideas to turn this situation into a one-of-a-kind adventure full of romance and excitement...
All of those days you spent alone without him... keep them in mind, because they will work to your advantage. Because on day three it's his job to call you up on the phone, whether it be at work or at home, and ask you out on a date!
Once you accept, you can agree on a time, and it's his job to come and pick you up for your date.
While he's been away, the house has been quiet, I know. It's no fun. But now you've got something fun to look forward to. Coming together again... and shopping for a new dress!
That's right, while he's trying to woo you... you can wow! him.
You haven't seen each other for three days and he's planning on taking you some place neither of you have been before. Where? Who knows? That's his choice. But wherever you're going... you should be dressed to impress so that when he shows up at your doorstep he'll be presented with his reward for all of his hard work--A stunning beauty at his side!
So it's important to shop for something he's never seen you in. Something you're absolutely sure he'd love. Just like that of any first date.
Whether he decides to take you to a new restaurant, walk along the beach, or just an intimate dinner back at his place, this is where all of those important or unimportant events over the next few days have some significance.
Chances are both of you have quite a bit to talk about, although it's only been three days you've been away from one another. Three days apart can conjure up a lot of feelings when you love someone and you're used to them being around.
During your date, it makes for a good time to express what those feelings are and how much you appreciate one another. There are certain valuable things each of you bring to the table of your marriage, and maybe during the time you were apart... you got to see just how much he offered you on a daily basis.
And to add more on top of that... over the last few days, things may have happened in your life that he would normally be there to witness. Well, this time he wasn't. So why not catch him up? It makes for good conversation--similar to the usual date scenario.
Once the two of you have come to enjoy the evening together, you've enjoyed the fine wine and nice dinner, and maybe had some chemistry on the dance floor. Aside from that, he's enchanted you with his dashing good looks and charismatic smile.
Then once the night comes to full terms, you decide it's time to go. You had a lovely evening and you reconnect on the way back home.
At least home is where you think you're going, until he invites you back to his place (the hotel). You accept.
At the hotel, the two of you talk for several more hours and at some point find that old familiar chemistry drawing the two of you close once again. So you decide to stay that night at his place.
Hold on, before I go any further. Let's rewind...
The two of you are getting along well. Everything is going smoothly. On the way home he invites you back to his place. You decline. He takes the bittersweet rejection smoothly. He drops you off at your house and walks you up to the door.
"I had a nice time tonight."
"I did too," he says, and with slight apprehension he leans in to kiss you (he knows he can't resist. The laws of attraction have been drawing him in all night).
"I'd invite you in for a cup of coffee..." (We all know what that means!)
"Sure. Coffee sounds great," he says and follows you inside.
Now of course the chance of either of you saying or doing any of that is slim to none, unless you're role-playing, but that sure was a heck of a lot of fun to write. I couldn't resist. I was on a roll!
No but seriously, I wrote all of that for a reason. Obviously you are reinventing the first date. One in which you get to choose your own adventure.
The idea of the hotel cannot only be used as a way for the two of you to spend three days apart, but also as an exciting incentive if you want that one-night-stand appeal with your husband--by going back to "his place" which was the importance behind you having no knowledge of where he was staying.
If you have no knowledge of where he's staying, it's all a complete mystery, and the suspense of that can add a lot of fun to an already adventurous night.
However, maybe he'll be homesick and want to head home that night, hence the alternate ending above.
The fun of it is that a lot of it is such a wild card. Both of you have surprises to look forward to and the beauty of reestablishing intimacy in a new way while you choose your own adventure!
Tameka Norris is the founder of Romantic Short Love Stories. Offering the best of both worlds with true love stories, romantic fiction, love poetry, articles, tutorials, and relationship advice. Visit Romantic-Short-Love-Stories.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tameka_Norris
Want to meet sexy women? This can help
Sexy Woman
Want to meet sexy women? This can help
Reinvent the First DateBy Tameka Norris
You ever wish you could go back in time and just recreate all of the feelings you had for one another on the first date? Well, I've got a few ideas that might help you grab a hold of that old feeling.

The truth is, life can take its toll and sometimes we just grow a little too old with one another and it's pertinent to work hard at bringing our youthful selves back to the forefront.
Although our physical selves will continue to grow older, it doesn't mean we have to let that happen on an emotional level as well. Yes, there will be days when things get routine, but we can always vouch for a little excitement from time to time. Don't you think?
Now this idea, I consider it to be something that you can only use once in a while. Simply because it too would become a predictable routine if used too frequently. Also, because it's based on timing and money.
And since neither of those things are always available at the time we want them to be... you just may have to stash this one away until you find the appropriate time to use it.
The Date in the Making...
I was thinking a fun thing to do when things get a little stale is spend a few days away from one another. Now, before I go any further, let me say this isn't a bad thing. This is all geared toward adding a little extra fun in the mix, if you're up for a small adventure. The two of you may be getting along famously, but if you're looking for a little more festivity this could be it.
Here's how I have it all in mind...
You can sit down with your partner and collaborate on which one of you will spend a couple of days away from home. If you have a relative in town this could be the option you take or if money isn't a problem you could spend a couple of days in a hotel.
Once you've come to an agreement then it's time to put the rest into action.
Okay, so let's say your husband decides to be the one to spend a couple of nights at a hotel.
Right now, you might be wondering why he needs to leave the house at all.
Well, there is one very important reason why this is a good idea. Once the both of you separate and spend some time apart, functioning without one another for several days makes the anticipation of seeing each other again a lot more exciting.
The two of you are able to reconnect with the reality of spending time apart. Things will happen in your day that you'll be able to converse about later, and vice versa.
Another reason is that it induces appreciation for the other person. Sometimes we take each other for granted, but when we spend time away from one another, it's a lot easier to see how important that person is to us.
But I don't want to get ahead of myself; it will make more sense as I move along, and by the time you're done reading all of this it'll all come together nicely.
So, now that you've both decided on the fact that he'll be leaving for a couple of days, the next step is to spend a few days without any initial contact with one another. I consider one day too little, two days to be a fair amount of time, and three days to be just right. But how many days is really up to you in the end.
Once you've established that and he's ready to leave, you'll also want to make certain that you have no idea where he is staying. It's important that he keeps this a secret.
Now, for emergency purposes, he may at least want to give you the phone number of the hotel he's staying at, so that you'll have a phone number where you can locate him in case an emergency occurs. That way, he's not forced to give you the name of the hotel or the location. Just a phone number you can use to get in touch with him if need be.
After that, you can simply stash it away in a safe place and trust yourself not to use it unless it's absolutely necessary.
Now that he's gone and the house doesn't feel quite the same without him, consider the following inventive ideas to turn this situation into a one-of-a-kind adventure full of romance and excitement...
All of those days you spent alone without him... keep them in mind, because they will work to your advantage. Because on day three it's his job to call you up on the phone, whether it be at work or at home, and ask you out on a date!
Once you accept, you can agree on a time, and it's his job to come and pick you up for your date.
While he's been away, the house has been quiet, I know. It's no fun. But now you've got something fun to look forward to. Coming together again... and shopping for a new dress!
That's right, while he's trying to woo you... you can wow! him.
You haven't seen each other for three days and he's planning on taking you some place neither of you have been before. Where? Who knows? That's his choice. But wherever you're going... you should be dressed to impress so that when he shows up at your doorstep he'll be presented with his reward for all of his hard work--A stunning beauty at his side!
So it's important to shop for something he's never seen you in. Something you're absolutely sure he'd love. Just like that of any first date.
Whether he decides to take you to a new restaurant, walk along the beach, or just an intimate dinner back at his place, this is where all of those important or unimportant events over the next few days have some significance.
Chances are both of you have quite a bit to talk about, although it's only been three days you've been away from one another. Three days apart can conjure up a lot of feelings when you love someone and you're used to them being around.
During your date, it makes for a good time to express what those feelings are and how much you appreciate one another. There are certain valuable things each of you bring to the table of your marriage, and maybe during the time you were apart... you got to see just how much he offered you on a daily basis.
And to add more on top of that... over the last few days, things may have happened in your life that he would normally be there to witness. Well, this time he wasn't. So why not catch him up? It makes for good conversation--similar to the usual date scenario.
Once the two of you have come to enjoy the evening together, you've enjoyed the fine wine and nice dinner, and maybe had some chemistry on the dance floor. Aside from that, he's enchanted you with his dashing good looks and charismatic smile.
Then once the night comes to full terms, you decide it's time to go. You had a lovely evening and you reconnect on the way back home.
At least home is where you think you're going, until he invites you back to his place (the hotel). You accept.
At the hotel, the two of you talk for several more hours and at some point find that old familiar chemistry drawing the two of you close once again. So you decide to stay that night at his place.
Hold on, before I go any further. Let's rewind...
The two of you are getting along well. Everything is going smoothly. On the way home he invites you back to his place. You decline. He takes the bittersweet rejection smoothly. He drops you off at your house and walks you up to the door.
"I had a nice time tonight."
"I did too," he says, and with slight apprehension he leans in to kiss you (he knows he can't resist. The laws of attraction have been drawing him in all night).
"I'd invite you in for a cup of coffee..." (We all know what that means!)
"Sure. Coffee sounds great," he says and follows you inside.
Now of course the chance of either of you saying or doing any of that is slim to none, unless you're role-playing, but that sure was a heck of a lot of fun to write. I couldn't resist. I was on a roll!
No but seriously, I wrote all of that for a reason. Obviously you are reinventing the first date. One in which you get to choose your own adventure.
The idea of the hotel cannot only be used as a way for the two of you to spend three days apart, but also as an exciting incentive if you want that one-night-stand appeal with your husband--by going back to "his place" which was the importance behind you having no knowledge of where he was staying.
If you have no knowledge of where he's staying, it's all a complete mystery, and the suspense of that can add a lot of fun to an already adventurous night.
However, maybe he'll be homesick and want to head home that night, hence the alternate ending above.
The fun of it is that a lot of it is such a wild card. Both of you have surprises to look forward to and the beauty of reestablishing intimacy in a new way while you choose your own adventure!
Tameka Norris is the founder of Romantic Short Love Stories. Offering the best of both worlds with true love stories, romantic fiction, love poetry, articles, tutorials, and relationship advice. Visit Romantic-Short-Love-Stories.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tameka_Norris
Want to meet sexy women? This can help
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Sexy Woman 5

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Book Review: Make Women Laugh
It was a rainy June afternoon and I just breezed through one of those dating books that cropped up on the web. Here are some of the things I picked up:
* How my "inner talk" influences me and how I can use that to be one funny guy – pg.19
* The most important difference between a funny guy and the dud guy – pg.21
* What the Humor Habit is and how I can be funny overnight – pg.22
* Why women laugh like hyenas at jokes that just isn'tfunny at all – pg.25
* How to break the ice with any ice queen and make her smile till sh roars – pg.26
* How to make women yield to emotions and love me. – Pg.27
* Some techniques that can intensify women's feelings and make them more open to me – pg.31
* How to kick that fear of rejection that had me feeling like a cabbage – pg.33
* Allegedly secret techniques to instantly build rapport with any woman both physically and psychologically and 5 ways to quickly improve your rapport-building skills (I knew this a long time ago....) – pg.39
* The best way to flirt and how to keep them getting wetter????! – pg.40
.... and so on and so forth.
It's no different from all the manuals out there, so if you have at least 3 from this genre, you can skip this one. Otherwise, it's a great and truly funny read with oodles of useful information.
You can know more about it here:
Sexy Woman book
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Sexy woman 4

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Want more tips to win any sexy woman? Learn how to attract sexy women here
Don't Tell Someone You Have a Boring Job
By Oh Srichaphan
One of the biggest mistakes people make on dates is talking about boring topics that no one wants to hear about. The main thing people talk about is their boring job. Sure, some of the most successful people of the world have notoriously boring jobs. But, a first date is not the time to tell someone all about your boring job. Of course, you shouldn’t lie either!
The reason you shouldn’t talk about your boring job is because when you start talking about boring things, your date will automatically tune out. They will think you are defined by your boring job and will likely think you are boring too. Of course, if they have a boring job, you can choose to do nothing but talk about boring jobs all night long.
If you do get cornered and your date asks specifically about your job, you can always try to make it sound exciting. The easiest way to do this is to be mysterious about it all. You can do this by revealing only a little bit about your job. For instance, if you are an accountant you can just tell your date you manage the financial affairs of your company, and leave it as that.
Shaadi is a dating site with many sexy indian girls and boys. Read the success stories.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Oh_Srichaphan
Want more tips to win any sexy woman? Learn how to attract sexy women here
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Saturday, June 10, 2006
Sexy woman 3
Sexy Woman
I've got quite a collection of self-help and dating books. Here's
one of my favorites resources to attract a sexy woman
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Attraction : How to Get What You Want From Anyone You Meet
Ken Harness.
Trying to get what you want through intimidation or force is asking for trouble. Yes, it’s possible but not advisable to use forceful methods, because the results are short term and can even be disastrous.
So how do you get others to do what you want? Simple. Give them what they want. That is the secret to attraction. And what is it that people want? Good health, love, and financial security are the basic desires of people.
But there is one important, yet intangible, thing everybody wants more than anything else, and that is to be appreciated. Being appreciated and complimented makes a person feel important. When you feel important, you feel needed and wanted, and this gives you a reason for existing.
So, how do you make someone else feel important? Tell them. Show them. Give appreciation freely, honestly, and without reservation. Saying how appreciative you are for a favor received or a job well done will make the other person feel important and respected.
You may not be able to describe in words how being appreciated makes you feel when you’re the recipient, but you know that what you feel is real and priceless.
To get what you want through attraction, show the other person that - if he does what you want him to do - it will, in turn, make him feel important.
Let’s take charity for example. You want a contribution from a prospective donor. Even before the act of giving itself, the donor expects some from of appreciation from you and this, in turn, will give him a feeling of importance.
But appreciation doesn't necessarily have to be expressed in words. A smile and a handshake could be sufficient, and they can come from both you and the donor.
The donor shows his feeling of being appreciated, while you show your appreciation for the contribution. A chemistry takes place. It’s a feeling both parties would enjoy happening many times over.
So, to get others to do what you want them to, you must give them something first. Make them feel special, important and appreciated.
But, be aware, your feelings must be genuine. You must truly appreciate
the person as a fellow human being, and not just because they are doing something for you.
If you can truly feel that the person you are interacting with is important and worthy, and can convey those feelings to that person, you will get them to do what you want them to, and they will feel good about doing it for you.
This is the most powerful way to get what you want through attraction.
Let success coach Ken Harness lead you beyond self improvement to the next level - self empowerment. Check out his Self Motivation blog today for more self help articles.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ken_Harness
Remember, if you want to meet a sexy woman , you must make her laugh.
Discover how.
Sexy Woman
I've got quite a collection of self-help and dating books. Here's
one of my favorites resources to attract a sexy woman
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Attraction : How to Get What You Want From Anyone You Meet
Ken Harness.
Trying to get what you want through intimidation or force is asking for trouble. Yes, it’s possible but not advisable to use forceful methods, because the results are short term and can even be disastrous.
So how do you get others to do what you want? Simple. Give them what they want. That is the secret to attraction. And what is it that people want? Good health, love, and financial security are the basic desires of people.
But there is one important, yet intangible, thing everybody wants more than anything else, and that is to be appreciated. Being appreciated and complimented makes a person feel important. When you feel important, you feel needed and wanted, and this gives you a reason for existing.
So, how do you make someone else feel important? Tell them. Show them. Give appreciation freely, honestly, and without reservation. Saying how appreciative you are for a favor received or a job well done will make the other person feel important and respected.
You may not be able to describe in words how being appreciated makes you feel when you’re the recipient, but you know that what you feel is real and priceless.
To get what you want through attraction, show the other person that - if he does what you want him to do - it will, in turn, make him feel important.
Let’s take charity for example. You want a contribution from a prospective donor. Even before the act of giving itself, the donor expects some from of appreciation from you and this, in turn, will give him a feeling of importance.
But appreciation doesn't necessarily have to be expressed in words. A smile and a handshake could be sufficient, and they can come from both you and the donor.
The donor shows his feeling of being appreciated, while you show your appreciation for the contribution. A chemistry takes place. It’s a feeling both parties would enjoy happening many times over.
So, to get others to do what you want them to, you must give them something first. Make them feel special, important and appreciated.
But, be aware, your feelings must be genuine. You must truly appreciate
the person as a fellow human being, and not just because they are doing something for you.
If you can truly feel that the person you are interacting with is important and worthy, and can convey those feelings to that person, you will get them to do what you want them to, and they will feel good about doing it for you.
This is the most powerful way to get what you want through attraction.
Let success coach Ken Harness lead you beyond self improvement to the next level - self empowerment. Check out his Self Motivation blog today for more self help articles.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ken_Harness
Remember, if you want to meet a sexy woman , you must make her laugh.
Discover how.
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Sexy Woman 2
Sexy Woman
Let's start of with some ideas to attract a sexy woman.
Attract Your Right Relationship with Your Natural Attractive Force
As long as you resist being your natural, balanced self, you will not attract harmonious, long lasting, or healthy relationships. Once you become true to yourself, you automatically attract the right person to you. You can access and balance own unique vibration of energy to reveal your innate power and beauty within to attract the type of relationships you desire.
You Broadcast Who You Are and What You Want
What you think about, you attract. When you are cautious and hold back your true self, you attract similar situations to you. If you think you are not sufficient, not wise enough, or not powerful enough to create the reality you truly desire, you will attract a representation of your own doubt in yourself.
Attract Balanced Relationships
If you look for someone else to complete you, you attract an incomplete relationship. What you create is a partnership made up of two half people, that will not satisfy either person.
When you feel complete and sufficient, you set up a vibration that attracts those with the similar qualities. When you reflect the type of vibrations you choose to attract in someone else, you will be seen and recognized by Mr./Ms. Wonderful.
Re-ignite Your Attractive Power
Balance your own male or female energy to re-ignite your attractive power. When you flood your body with your own female or male energy, you How To Unlock Your Natural Attractive Force and Attract Your Right Relationship r body automatically seeks its original perfect balance. With practice your system will stay in balance effortlessly. This way you can experience your ultimate sexual and creative power..
Become Clear and Certain About What You Want
Connecting with your innate power and sexual force spawns a new level of self certainty. Your confidence will soar and you may find yourself achieving goals you long forgot. As you get neutral to foreign energies that compete for space in your body, you become clear, grounded and focused.
Follow Your Own Path
Life is a journey, and you have everything you need to create the most desirable, enjoyable and fulfilling journey for yourself. Take steps each day to reach your life goals, and you will not only be amazed at how well you will achieve them, but at how enjoyable and stress-free the journey will be.
Increase Your Natural Sex Appeal with Visualization
Everyone has both male and female energies. Sometimes someone from your past has turned off your male or female energy. It affects how and what you attract in your life. In the following exercise, you will increase the amount of female or male energy running in your body to increase your sex appeal and attraction.
1. Close your eyes, but stay focused.
2. Visualize yourself sitting in a control room in the center of your head where you have command of your entire being.
3. In your mind’s eye, visualize a scale or gauge from 0-100% that represents your current male or female energy running in your body. Notice the current reading of your meter. Don’t judge it. Just note what you see.
4. Imagine increasing this energy by slowly raising your gauge to 100%.
5. Simultaneously, allow the energy from the sexual center, approximately 2” below your navel, begin to move throughout the entire body. Breath in from the navel and imagine the energy flowing upwards through the torso, down the arms, and up into the head. Allow this sexual energy flow out the top of your head like a fountain. Let the energy flow down to your feet and bring the energy up through the bottoms of your feet, into the legs creating a cycle of your own flowing feminine or masculine energy.
6. Choose a color for this energy flowing through the body as you push the needle on the gauge to 100%.
7. Allow yourself to experience your powerful male or female energy flushing out foreign energies from your body. Let this energy flow for about 5 minutes. Notice how your body feels.
8. Allow your system to adjust to a level where you feel most comfortable.
Your Attractive Force Within IS Powerful
Your renewed personal power will revolutionize your relationships. When you run your own sexual energy you increase self-confidence, boost your attractiveness and create balance. People around you will notice a positive change in you. They may not put their finger on it but you will know why they respond favorably. Practice this energy technique for 20-30 days and the results will astonish you.
Amirah © 2006 All Rights Reserved.
You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.
Amirah, a 25-year Professional Intuitive Coach, Author and Speaker works with individuals who want to make positive life changes and experience a deeper connection to self. Amirah helps clients build confidence, self-esteem to enrich their life. Author of eBook, GET Better LOVE and MORE of IT!, and offers free guidance through her monthly articles and newsletter,“The SoulMystic Says…” http://www.soulmystic.com/index.html
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amirah_Hall
Before you go, learn a secret of mine: It worked 100%
Sexy Woman
Let's start of with some ideas to attract a sexy woman.
Attract Your Right Relationship with Your Natural Attractive Force
As long as you resist being your natural, balanced self, you will not attract harmonious, long lasting, or healthy relationships. Once you become true to yourself, you automatically attract the right person to you. You can access and balance own unique vibration of energy to reveal your innate power and beauty within to attract the type of relationships you desire.
You Broadcast Who You Are and What You Want
What you think about, you attract. When you are cautious and hold back your true self, you attract similar situations to you. If you think you are not sufficient, not wise enough, or not powerful enough to create the reality you truly desire, you will attract a representation of your own doubt in yourself.
Attract Balanced Relationships
If you look for someone else to complete you, you attract an incomplete relationship. What you create is a partnership made up of two half people, that will not satisfy either person.
When you feel complete and sufficient, you set up a vibration that attracts those with the similar qualities. When you reflect the type of vibrations you choose to attract in someone else, you will be seen and recognized by Mr./Ms. Wonderful.
Re-ignite Your Attractive Power
Balance your own male or female energy to re-ignite your attractive power. When you flood your body with your own female or male energy, you How To Unlock Your Natural Attractive Force and Attract Your Right Relationship r body automatically seeks its original perfect balance. With practice your system will stay in balance effortlessly. This way you can experience your ultimate sexual and creative power..
Become Clear and Certain About What You Want
Connecting with your innate power and sexual force spawns a new level of self certainty. Your confidence will soar and you may find yourself achieving goals you long forgot. As you get neutral to foreign energies that compete for space in your body, you become clear, grounded and focused.
Follow Your Own Path
Life is a journey, and you have everything you need to create the most desirable, enjoyable and fulfilling journey for yourself. Take steps each day to reach your life goals, and you will not only be amazed at how well you will achieve them, but at how enjoyable and stress-free the journey will be.
Increase Your Natural Sex Appeal with Visualization
Everyone has both male and female energies. Sometimes someone from your past has turned off your male or female energy. It affects how and what you attract in your life. In the following exercise, you will increase the amount of female or male energy running in your body to increase your sex appeal and attraction.
1. Close your eyes, but stay focused.
2. Visualize yourself sitting in a control room in the center of your head where you have command of your entire being.
3. In your mind’s eye, visualize a scale or gauge from 0-100% that represents your current male or female energy running in your body. Notice the current reading of your meter. Don’t judge it. Just note what you see.
4. Imagine increasing this energy by slowly raising your gauge to 100%.
5. Simultaneously, allow the energy from the sexual center, approximately 2” below your navel, begin to move throughout the entire body. Breath in from the navel and imagine the energy flowing upwards through the torso, down the arms, and up into the head. Allow this sexual energy flow out the top of your head like a fountain. Let the energy flow down to your feet and bring the energy up through the bottoms of your feet, into the legs creating a cycle of your own flowing feminine or masculine energy.
6. Choose a color for this energy flowing through the body as you push the needle on the gauge to 100%.
7. Allow yourself to experience your powerful male or female energy flushing out foreign energies from your body. Let this energy flow for about 5 minutes. Notice how your body feels.
8. Allow your system to adjust to a level where you feel most comfortable.
Your Attractive Force Within IS Powerful
Your renewed personal power will revolutionize your relationships. When you run your own sexual energy you increase self-confidence, boost your attractiveness and create balance. People around you will notice a positive change in you. They may not put their finger on it but you will know why they respond favorably. Practice this energy technique for 20-30 days and the results will astonish you.
Amirah © 2006 All Rights Reserved.
You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.
Amirah, a 25-year Professional Intuitive Coach, Author and Speaker works with individuals who want to make positive life changes and experience a deeper connection to self. Amirah helps clients build confidence, self-esteem to enrich their life. Author of eBook, GET Better LOVE and MORE of IT!, and offers free guidance through her monthly articles and newsletter,“The SoulMystic Says…” http://www.soulmystic.com/index.html
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amirah_Hall
Before you go, learn a secret of mine: It worked 100%
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Desire a sexy woman? This free resource of proven power tips will easily win you any sexy woman.
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